This isn’t about political parties. This is about Gloucester Township.
Over the last year I’ve attended a ton of council meetings. I even interviewed for Owen’s council seat. I had no interest in getting Owen’s seat for my own personal gain, but I felt that someone needed to stand up and represent us. It is comforting to know that there are a few that attend meetings regularly and look out for all of our interests. I’ve met a lot of those people at our council meetings and I put this website up to let them tell their stories. Some of them have run for office and some of them should run for office. However, many don’t want to play the nasty game that politics in Gloucester Township have become.
Have you noticed?
Gloucester Township is very politically charged these days. The last few Presidential elections haven’t helped much with us going at each other with our Red vs Blue rhetoric.
Did you know about a decade ago our council seats weren’t partisan elections? Back then we just elected citizens to represent us. Now we’ve gone much further than just partisan council seats. Even our school board elections have been taken over by big political groups. They spend ridiculous amounts of money to win non paying positions. They aren’t spending all that money for your children.
Between December and January with the help of others, we started to get the 2021 campaign rolling. The plan was to reach out to Democrats that disagree with our mayor & council and team them up with Republicans looking to make a change. Imagine a nonpartisan team that answers to only you, not a political committee. Imagine your mayor and council being transparent without worrying about backlash from their political party. If that sounds like an impossible task, I can assure you that is exactly what we found out.
No one associated with any major political party has offered to put anything together with us. These people all agree that something must change, but they would rather lose than run as an Independents. Honestly, the process of working through these political dumpsters is a hell of a lot more frustrating than attending council meetings and fighting for responsible spending.
We need your help
We have a group of people that are willing to put their time and effort into making a change. None of them are wealthy enough to spend $100,000 on winning an election like the mayor did back in 2009. If we are going to do this, we are going to need everyone not handcuffed to some political party to help us.
In the next few weeks, maybe a few Democratic challengers will pop up and run against the mayor in the primary. Go ahead and vote for them if you can, but if history repeats itself they will lose again. There is no doubt going to be another losing Republican ticket as well. To be honest, I know there will be challengers other than us because they have already said we would “Just be a distraction.”
Why not just support the next Democrat or Republican challenger?
The simple answer is we already know that outcome. We have around 22,000 Democrats, 21,000 Independents and 8,000 Republicans in Gloucester Township. Not enough Democrats turn out to beat the current mayor and council in the primary elections. In addition, not enough people are willing to vote for a Republican in the General election. The only way we do this is to put parties aside and vote for the right PEOPLE. Not for the party that spends the most money.
Get Involved
Soon enough we will be able to present you with candidates. We’ve spent months trying to do this the absolute best way we know how. I hope you all agree once it’s time to run. What you can do right now is; sign up on follow us on Facebook and be ready to get everyone out to vote when the time comes.