$143,000,000 is the sale Price$90,000,000Rate Caps
They will offer MUA workers new jobs
how the referendum will be worked
Kate Delaney brings up a few points.
NJ Bill 4971 Establishes “Resiliency and Environmental System Investment Charge Program.”
The program would allow water and wastewater utilities to recover, outside of their rates, the cost of investment in certain non-revenue producing utility system components that enhance water and wastewater system resiliency, environmental compliance, safety, and public health. While investment in these components is necessary and wise, utilities would be allowed to recover these costs outside of strict oversight from the Board of Public Utilities and Rate Counsel. This will, undoubtedly, lead to increased water and wastewater bills for municipalities serviced by water or wastewater utilities
Residents on private owned systems pay on average 79% more.
Dawn Sabella Has questions about the MUA
When did council receive the contracts? Did they read the contracts? When will the contract be available online? It’s on the website. Who pays the legal fees for this process?
What is the mayor’s role in this and will he receive a bonus?
Dennis Palmer talks about the MUA sales and says the numbers don’t add up.
This will put $4700 in debt on every rate payer.Watering your grass will make your sewer bill go up even though it never went to the sewer.
American water is not allowed to raise the rates above 9% over 5 years but their bid shows a 9.24% increase over 5 years.
Denise Coyne asks why they think it’s acceptable to make us pay for our sewer again