Gloucester Township Observer Podcast – December 16th, 2024


December 9th Council Meeting Recap

The agenda on Thursday was incorrect and wasn’t fixed until Monday.

Dena asks what Failed and how can we prevent it.

Smithman on a mission.

Ray Polidoro asks council why we ware borrowing for sewer repairs when we had $6,000,000 in emergency money when we had an MUA.

Denise questions the agenda not including some items until the day of the meeting.

Ray follows up on the agenda and Carlamere shows he has no idea what happens on a weekly basis in GT.

A bond ordinance was passed in the sum of $980,000 for park improvements. This is a 100% grant and should not be borrowed.


Gerard Dunleavy thinks that our recycling trucks are causing trash on the streets and the workers are lazy by not cleaning up the stuff that falls out.

Robert Victor wants to know how long license plate reader info is stored?

2nd Public Portion

Ms. Smithman wants to donate gift cards and it turns into a shit show.
Ms. Smithman is escorted out and the meeting is put on pause.

Denise asks how the remaining money from the MUA can be used.
Denise follows up by asking about funding the repairs needed by RV Ray

Polidoro emphasizes that they got rid of the MUA as a money grab and had no plans beyond the sale. He also asks if it’s possible to put the MUA back together.

Mercado and Cardis fire back at Ray with Political Talk which isn’t allowed at council meetings.

Denise calls out council for making the sewer a partisan issue. Dena asks if Cardis will face any discipline for his behavior.

MM comes out of his baseball coma to get angry with Dena.

Mercado finished the meeting by letting us know we will be punished for speaking up against council.

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