GT Observer Podcast – March 4th, 2024


Ms. Hendry asks about the agenda not being posted 48 hours before the meeting and asks if the meeting can be postponed. Orlando looks to his council members (who are not allowed to speak) and says no.

Resolution 0-21-09 second reading was voted on and passed. T His will allow the township to request quarterly reports on gross marijuana sales.

The 2nd reading of the capital budget was read.
– Orlando reads the amount being borrowed in his Orlandoish way.
– We are replacing 33 desktop computers for $83,767
– Mr. Sweet brings up, since 2017 GT has spent over $180,000 on Zero turn mowers. How many to we need and why the cost increase?
– Since 2019 we have borrowed $156,000 for recycling cans. At $60 a piece, that’s 2600 new cans. (We have about 25,000 housing units in GT)
– We’ve borrowed multiple times for the Black Box Theatre on the Black Horse Pike, but construction hasn’t started.
– Councilman Orlando states phase 1 is to repair the outside of the building and add a new entrance. They also state construction has started. If phase 1 is the exterior, wouldn’t we have noticed?
– Several hundreds of thousands of dollars have been borrowed for the roof on the municipal building. We have borrowed more than the receipts have shown we spent. Is the roof an excuse to borrow each year? Does council have any questions about it?
– The 2015 library bathroom project is going well. Maybe?
– Sam asks if council had any questions regarding the capital projects. Jim Nash said he reached out to supervisors BY PHONE and Orlando claims it was discussed at the last workshop.
– A resident asks about GT’s participation in Street Cop Training in Atlantic City. No officers from GT attended. Source document attached on

– Terri Fretz asks about the agenda and Orlando thanks her for emailing her question in rather than going to the municipal building with a camera.
– Council President scolds Denise Coyne after she tells him we have a 1st amendment right to video in public.

Orlando thinks that GT Observer’s content is “Just for clicks”

Mr. Sweet and Orlando compare what isn’t classy

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